solar panel

August 10th, 2020

We, at Greenhouse, believe that we all hold the responsibility for a better future. That is why we have implemented measures to demonstrate our corporate social responsibility and urge all our peers to follow in the same direction. 

Greenhouse has been using clean and renewable energy, since September 2019, by installing a 869 kilowatt-peak (kWp) solar panel at our headquarters in Dubai Investment Park (DIP). The solar panel rooftop covers an area of 7,000 square meters, powering most of Greenhouse’s settlement, including the warehouse where our products are freshly stored.

Following a recent consolidation of the company’s overall power energy, it seems the rooftop solar panel has generated approximately 115,000 kilowatt per hour of clean energy, as expected in the first year of operation. This new source of energy has helped Greenhouse reduce their yearly carbon emission by 50,000 kilograms. This system will continue to supply over 30% of the facility’s annual energy consumption while also reducing the electricity costs significantly.

The implementation of a solar panel has enabled Greenhouse to switch to green and clean energy, fortifying our mission towards a green company, as our name urges to! 




About Greenhouse

Greenhouse Foodstuff is a food distributing company with more than 40 years of presence in the UAE market. The company has grown exponentially over the years, widening its reach across the gulf region. Greenhouse imports premium products including Dairy, Cheese, Bakery & Pastry ingredients, Bakery & Pastry finished products, Italian Food, Asian Food, Lebanese Food, Grocery and Chef’s equipment as well as other exclusive food items both in the Foodservice and retail channels. Find out more about Greenhouse here:

    Greenhouse Advocates Clean Energy

    solar panel

    August 10th, 2020

    We, at Greenhouse, believe that we all hold the responsibility for a better future. That is why we have implemented measures to demonstrate our corporate social responsibility and urge all our peers to follow in the same direction. 

    Greenhouse has been using clean and renewable energy, since September 2019, by installing a 869 kilowatt-peak (kWp) solar panel at our headquarters in Dubai Investment Park (DIP). The solar panel rooftop covers an area of 7,000 square meters, powering most of Greenhouse’s settlement, including the warehouse where our products are freshly stored.

    Following a recent consolidation of the company’s overall power energy, it seems the rooftop solar panel has generated approximately 115,000 kilowatt per hour of clean energy, as expected in the first year of operation. This new source of energy has helped Greenhouse reduce their yearly carbon emission by 50,000 kilograms. This system will continue to supply over 30% of the facility’s annual energy consumption while also reducing the electricity costs significantly.

    The implementation of a solar panel has enabled Greenhouse to switch to green and clean energy, fortifying our mission towards a green company, as our name urges to! 




    About Greenhouse

    Greenhouse Foodstuff is a food distributing company with more than 40 years of presence in the UAE market. The company has grown exponentially over the years, widening its reach across the gulf region. Greenhouse imports premium products including Dairy, Cheese, Bakery & Pastry ingredients, Bakery & Pastry finished products, Italian Food, Asian Food, Lebanese Food, Grocery and Chef’s equipment as well as other exclusive food items both in the Foodservice and retail channels. Find out more about Greenhouse here: