- Dairy
- Cheese
- Bakery & Pastry Ingredients
- Bakery & Pastry Products
- Plant-Based
- Grocery Food
- Chef’s Equipment
- 365 cheese
- Ambrosi
- Assorted Cheese
- Bel
- Bresse Bleu
- Boursin
- Crown
- Confiletas
- Coraya
- Caprice Des Dieux
- Chilled Pasteurized Eggs
- Cock Brand
- Coeur De Lion
- Delifrance
- Eggway
- Entremont
- Snel
- Emmi
- Elle & Vire
- Equal
- Frozen Pasteurized Eggs
- Frozen Items
- Fruits Rouges
- Fol Epi
- Ferme Du Pre
- Giusto Manetti
- Greci
- Green Forest
- Ile De France
- Kopykake
- Kaval
- KOITA - Dairy
- Le Rustique
- Livradois
- Louis Francois
- Matfer
- Mancinelli
- Nurishh
- 365 Pastry & Bakery Ingredients
- Moul- Bie
- Old Amsterdam
- Papillon
- Patisfrance
- Rambol
- Sosio
- Saint Agur
- St. Dalfour
- Tartare
- Veldhuyzen Kaas
- Veritable Chaumes
- Vieux Pane
- Corman
- PMSweet
- Banquet D'or
- Puidor

Founded in 1977, Ferme Du Pre is located in France. It is devoted to the production and processing of high quality eggs for retail consumers as well as catering customers. With our breeding sites, nesting, packaging and processing, Ferme du Pré controls a herd of 1.2 million chickens and sells more than 500 million eggs per year under the watchful eye of a team of 120 people and under a traceability system distributed mainly by its fleet of 12 trucks. To ensure freshness, Ferme du Pre collections 6 days out of 7 eggs laid daily.